Monday, January 08, 2007

Where the Sun Came From

Ah-mo and Ah-moe walking home in the hot sun...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Ah-mo asks,"Eh Ah-moe... 太阳从哪里来ah?"

Ah-moe scratches his head, and replies,"Orhh... 这个问题很难er... But我懂er!" Pausing for a while, he continues.

"我来跟你讲er... 你懂hor, 你想一个很大的circle...."

"为什么circle leh?"

"Erm... Okay lah okay lah... 想一个很大的马桶..."


" 你听先... 一个很大很大的马桶..." Ah-moe answered impatiently. "那个马桶金色的... 亮亮的... 很好看er. Then hor, 你在那个马桶上面... Then 你按那个button来抽水. 抽水的时候hor, 再慢慢倒一些红色的syrup进去那个马桶..."

"Huh? Then?" Ah-mo was completely lost.

Ignoring Ah-mo, Ah-moe continues,"那个马桶很大个的hor? Then 那个syrup hor, 会在那个toilet bowl里面转很多很多圈er... Then全部全部的水都会流掉..."

"Huh? Jed... 来做什么?" Ah-mo was confused.

"等一下lah! 我要explain给你听liao! 你拿camera拍下来... Then hor, 聪明的part要来liao... "

Ah-moe paused dramatically, with a wide grin on his face, and Ah-mo completely bewildered, waiting in anticipation for his answer...


Ah-mo paused for a while. Scratched his head. Pondered for some time. Scratched his head again. Stood there, trying to imagine... After some time, he finally said,"Orhhh... So太阳是从马桶来的ah?"

"不是er... 这样看那个tape很好看mah... 看这个tape就好liao. 不用想这些东西! 我喜欢er..." Ah-moe replied with a smug look on his face...


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