Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Why 1+1=2

Ah-moe asked Ah-mo,"Ah-mo, 你知道为什么 1+1=2 吗?"

"Jed! 因为就是这样mah!"


"Then 你跟我讲为什么 lah!"

"很简单 er! 因为你笨 er!"

"Jed! 不是 hor!"

"Then 为什么?"

"不懂 leh..."

"就是因为你笨 lah! Humph!"

Ah-mo didn't know how to reply..

But Ah-moe continued with a big grin on his face...

"Ah-mo, 你知道为什么天空是蓝色的?"

"Jed? 因为我笨 ah?"

"不是 er! 因为我聪明 er!"


Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Ah-mo and Ah-moe sat down in the living room, watching a stupid milk powder commercial...

"花.. 花..."



Obviously bored, Ah-moe started nudging Ah-mo, saying "我也test 你er.. 来.. "

"花.. 花... "

"胡姬花!" Ah-mo replied immediately.

"花.. 花... "

"胡姬花!" Ah-mo replied again to show his intelligence. He was not going to be laughed at by his father for not knowing...

It was then when Ah-mo suddenly had a great idea. It's one of his stunning moments of "genius" as he calls it himself. He waited for the next round.

"花.. 花... (Hooah Hooah)"

"Hoo Ah-mo!"Ah-mo exclaimed.

Caught by surprise, Ah-moe shouted his standard answer.



"再来! 花.. 花... (Hooah Hooah)" Ah-moe continued.

Being displeased by his father's remark, Ah-mo wanted to try replying with something else...

"Hoo Ah-moe!"

"真聪明er! Humph!"

"Jed! 不可以这样的hor!"

"可以er.. 我是你爸爸er.. 我讲什么都可以er... 我聪明, 你笨er! Humph!"


Monday, January 08, 2007

Drying Off


Ah-mo, standing alone in the hot sun wearing a stupid grin, soaked in sweat.

Puzzled, one of the soldiers asked, "Eh Ah-mo.... 你站在太阳底下做什么? 好玩 ah?"

"很多汗mah... 我在这里晒干..."

At the Exams

At one side of the exam hall...

"Jed... 不会做leh... 这么办? ..."

"懂了er! 我在我名字后面写一个'e'就可以了er... 变成爸爸的名字er... 害他er... 他这样会错很多题er! 错一题减一分... 他这样会有negative的mark er! 我没有错er... 我拿0! 好er! 比他高er! 我厉害er... Humph!"


Garang Guni

So Ah-mo and Ah-moe embarked on their next career option: rag and bone man, commonly known as "Garang guni" locally. Having spent two days observing rag and bone men around the neighbourhood, it seemed like an easy job. As they mastered the basics of shouting "Garang Guni, Bou Zhuar, Gu Sar Kor, La Lio, Dian Si Ki ...", they set off with their newly bought garang guni carts, each determined to collect more than the other.

Some readers would probably be confused now, so I shall give a short summary: Garung guni, or rag and bone men, collect old newspapers, spoilt electronics and unwanted pieces of cloths. They prowl the neighbourhood from door to door, dragging a small cart to hold all the scrap material, with a huge lorry parked nearby to store all the goods. These scrap materials are either sold for money, or sent for repairs and resold. Depending on person, a small nominal sum of fee is paid for the quantity of newspapers or unwanted items sold. While this seems to be a lowly form of career, it has been noted that there are in fact several garang guni who have become millionaires from such "rubbish-collecting".

So, the two of them literally ran off in the late evening, both anxious to try out on the job.

Ah-moe the Garang Guni

Ah-moe quickly chose the nearby block of flats.

Normal rag and bone men would take the lift up to the top floor and go down door to door -- it's much easier to drag your cart down the steps of the stairs, than trying to pull it up the same flight of stairs. Unfortunately, Ah-moe had not noticed it, and decided to start from the bottom of the block instead.

Surprisingly, residents there did have quite a lot of unwanted newspapers. Even though they received pathetic amounts of money from Ah-moe, they were still quite happy to part with all that junk in their house.

So Ah-moe had collected a pretty large stack of papers by the time he reached level 4. But now he was pretty much drenched in sweat, after hauling up the newspapers up storey after storey. He was doing fine, until he decided to stop and rest. At the wrong place.

With the cart balancing precariously on one of the steps, Ah-moe stretched out his hand to lean on the cart to rest. It would have been fine too, had he leaned and pushed the cart against the steps. But he didn't. He stood two steps above his cart, looking outwards at the scenery as his hand reached the cart for support...

Bang... Crash... Flutter... Tumble...

While Ah-moe was still there with his hand outstretched, enjoying the birds and sky, and oblivious of what happened, the cart had shifted backwards and started dropping down a step. Then another step. Then two steps. Then the cart swayed violently side to side, spilling sheets of newspapers all around, as it went down faster and faster. Ah-moe had forgotten to tie the papers up.

Ah-moe turned around and wondered what was wrong. It took him some time to realise. His cart wasn't there! He looked around. Someone had taken his cart and threw his newspapers all around! As he opened his mouth to curse at Ah-mo, he noticed the clankering of metal from the downward direction. Looking down, he caught sight of his cart still well on its way down.

He ran after his cart, but by the time he reached it, it was already on the ground floor, bent, dented and broken in many parts.

Leaving his mangled cart, and the mess of newspapers strewn all over from 4th storey down, Ah-moe stormed off in a huff. It must have been Ah-mo, he decided.

Ah-mo the Garang Guni

After observing his father's mistakes, Ah-mo decided to go from top to bottom in a block instead. Wanting to collect more unwanted items in a shorter period of time, Ah-mo thought of trying a new method... An "effective" method which only required him to shout once, yet attracting the attention of the entire residence for his presence...

So, Ah-mo went all the way up to the top floor, walked towards the balcony, and jumped off...


PIAK! Ah-mo fell flat, rotten on the ground. Using his mystical and all-time powerful 3 drops of superglue, he became well, and in one piece again. Then, Ah-mo headed up to the top floor once again...


PIAK! Drip Drip Drip! Being in one piece again, Ah-mo headed upstairs, driven to finish his job...



Well, his efforts did pay him off to a certain extent...

"Oei! 死 Ah-mo! 不要吵啦!" Buckets of water came splashing out from the windows of the residents. Along with it came with a lot of rotten eggs, bananas and fully-packed thrash bags too...

"Ai... yah... 不管er... 至少比爸爸快可以了... Humph!" Ah-mo claimed, in pain. He then picked himself up, accumulated all the unwanted stuffs, and loaded them into the "truck". Coincidentally, the truck contained many of the similar items compared to the items that were thrown down too. Could Ah-mo have loaded his stuff on the wrong truck?


A painful method though... But does Ah-mo feel it?

Ah-mo the Garung Guni (extended)

Ah-mo went to a higher block in the residential areas...


After a while, he was still falling...

"Jed! 这样久还没有动到地?!?"

Just as he finished his statement... he went PIAK!

"Ai... yah... 懂了er... 一次过喊到完..." After supergluing himself, Ah-mo climbed up to the highest floor and tried again...

"GARUNG GUNI!!!!! BOU ZHUAR GU SAR KOR!!!!! LA LIO DIAN SI..." PIAK! Ah-mo fell flat on the ground before he can finish.

"Jed... 这次讲快快就可以了er..." Then Ah-mo began climbing up the stairs again...


"Jed... Ok, 把我讲的第二次的讲完就可以了..."


"讲完了er... Humph! 厉害er... Jed! 没有Superglue了... 惨了..."


Arguing with Ah-moe...

"Jed... Ah-moe! 不可以这样的 hor!"


"Oei! 够liao hor!!"

"不够er! 多一点..."

"Jed... 多一点什么?"

"不管... 多一点..."

"Oei! 你要跟我讲多一点什么mah!"

"Okay lah! 多一点什么!"

"Jed! Oei! 你够liao hor!"

"不够er! 多一点..."


Table Manners

Ah-moe, returning home from the table manners course, with a big grin on his face.

Ah-pui was serving dinner on the table, with Ah-moo and Ah-mo sititing together, while Ah-mui at the far end of the table, as far away from Ah-mo as possible.

Ah-moe threw down a bag, scattering several forks and spoons on the table.

"Oei! 你们听hor! 你们每个人吃饭要用spoon! 要这样...." Ah-moe declared, as he made an exaggerated motion of scooping up something, stretching his hand all the way to the right and stuffing it back into his mouth.

"这样才好看 er! 别人笨er! 他们吃饭不会stylo的... Humph!" He grinned at himself, and stood there posing for a moment. It was another moment of victory for him. With his right hand holding the spoon at an angle away, as if he was holding a trophy or torch, Ah-moe turned his head to the right too, wearing a proud smirk on his face. One of his standard "victory poses". For about one whole minute.

Until he realised that no one was listening to him -- all of them were slurping down the food in their bowls. Utensils were simply too troublesome for them.

"来每个人来try! 来... 我来教你们..."

"不要er! 死Ah-moe..." Ah-mo retaliated without thinking. It had somewhat become his natural response, whatever Ah-moe suggested.

"Ah-mo你不敢er!" Ah-moe taunted.

As he dragged them away from the table, he lined them up in front of him, handing them a spoon each...

"First, like that...." He demonstrated scooping up food from an imaginary bowl in front of him.

"Then, like that..." As he stretched his arm holding the spoon all the way to the right, as far as he could reach.

"Then..." And he brought the spoon back into his mouth.

"好er! 来我们来try!" Ah-moe grinned.


And food flew all over the dining hall that night.

As they got tired of the routine, they tried eating faster and faster, going through each motion with greater force and speed, dispite the fact that more than half of the food was flung out this way.

However, Ah-mo had quite a bit of fun flinging food at Ah-moe; Ah-mui had a good time emptying the contents of her spoon onto Ah-mo's head; Ah-moo was glad that he didn't have to eat much of Ah-pui's cooking; Ah-moe was happy that everyone loved his new way of using the spoon; Ah-pui was the only one frustrated at how much cleaning she had to do now.

And so when it came to a vote soon after, it was to become yet another weird rule of the Hoo family.

Food Fight

The next day, at the dining table...

Seated in a row from the wall, was Ah-mo, Ah-moo, Ah-mui, Ah-pui and Ah-moe.

And so dinner was served. And as usual, they became silently frustrated at the amount of work to do just to get a bite of food. So their eating speeds started to increase as they ate, and shortly after, it has become almost a competition on who could go through the motion faster.

Then all chaos broke out.

Ah-mo, next to the wall, kept stretching his hand too far, smashing his hand against the wall. While he really should have moved further from the wall, he couldn't be bothered. He just needed to eat faster than Ah-moe.

Ah-pui, on the other hand, suffered from viscious "spoon attacks" from Ah-moe, as his spoon and hand smacked onto her face frequently every now and then. And the blows weren't light -- Ah-moe was almost in a frenzy to out-eat Ah-mo.

Ah-pui was complaining and scolding Ah-moe, while Ah-mui took the chance to pour the entire pot of hot soup over Ah-mo. Ah-moo, just sat there, almost surrendered to his fate as food scraps flew all around him.

Where the Sun Came From

Ah-mo and Ah-moe walking home in the hot sun...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Ah-mo asks,"Eh Ah-moe... 太阳从哪里来ah?"

Ah-moe scratches his head, and replies,"Orhh... 这个问题很难er... But我懂er!" Pausing for a while, he continues.

"我来跟你讲er... 你懂hor, 你想一个很大的circle...."

"为什么circle leh?"

"Erm... Okay lah okay lah... 想一个很大的马桶..."


" 你听先... 一个很大很大的马桶..." Ah-moe answered impatiently. "那个马桶金色的... 亮亮的... 很好看er. Then hor, 你在那个马桶上面... Then 你按那个button来抽水. 抽水的时候hor, 再慢慢倒一些红色的syrup进去那个马桶..."

"Huh? Then?" Ah-mo was completely lost.

Ignoring Ah-mo, Ah-moe continues,"那个马桶很大个的hor? Then 那个syrup hor, 会在那个toilet bowl里面转很多很多圈er... Then全部全部的水都会流掉..."

"Huh? Jed... 来做什么?" Ah-mo was confused.

"等一下lah! 我要explain给你听liao! 你拿camera拍下来... Then hor, 聪明的part要来liao... "

Ah-moe paused dramatically, with a wide grin on his face, and Ah-mo completely bewildered, waiting in anticipation for his answer...


Ah-mo paused for a while. Scratched his head. Pondered for some time. Scratched his head again. Stood there, trying to imagine... After some time, he finally said,"Orhhh... So太阳是从马桶来的ah?"

"不是er... 这样看那个tape很好看mah... 看这个tape就好liao. 不用想这些东西! 我喜欢er..." Ah-moe replied with a smug look on his face...

Wahh!!! 很累 Leh!


Where is it?

Have you ever wondered if there is a place called "Nabian (那边) Street"? And how would it be like, to have a street with this name?..





"Jed.. 哪里?"



"Jed! 哪里?!?"


"那边... 哪里?!?"

"对啦... 那边!"

"Oei! 你讲清楚一点hor!"


"Jed! Oei! 够了hor... 快点讲在哪边!"

"对啦! 在那边! 我跟你讲过很多次了... 不要再问了hor!"


Sian 掉...

Imagine, if there is a person, whose name is "Sian...". When someone gets really bored, and blurts out "Sian 掉..."...





Who hit me?!?

BISH!! ... POW!! ... BONG!! ... PRRANG!!


"Jed... 谁打我?!?"

"Orh! 好er! 我来打你er..."

"Jed... 不是hor! 不要打我! Aiyah!"


"Jed! 这样要打谁?"


"Jed! 不可以这样的hor!"

"不管er! 打你er... Humph!"

"Er Jed! 跑啊!"


(Apparently, there is a soldier whose name is 谁...)